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we create services, technologies, development

from Mozambique

  • Employment

    We provide platforms for web and mobile recruitment

  • Education

    We implement technologies for training and education

  • Financial Inclusion

    We create mobile services for the unbanked

our vision

social development technologies for growing economies

social context

  • Mozambique represents a typical – if advantaged -- African emerging market; its fast-growing economy is fueled by abundant natural resources and supported by a relatively stable government.

    Regardless of their ability and motivation to invest, large international oil & gas companies, aid agencies, NGOs and local companies face numerous difficulties operating in a country that was not traditionally industrialized.

    A poor service economy and a largely uneducated labor force are some of the reasons why financial development does not equate into social development

digital context

  • On a positive note, the IT industry is relatively well-developed, with three mobile operators covering most of the country, massive adoption of mobile phones and an ever-increasing number of Internet subscribers.

    As of the end of 2014, mobile penetration is estimated at 56% and Internet subscription at 7.9%, in a population of 25.83 million.

    The vast majority of mobile users still use feature phones, so providing access to data services at scale has to be done through Unstructured Suplementary Service Data (USSD), a protocol for data exchange between feature phones and mobile operator computers.

our approach

  • We devised a three-step approach to identify for-profit opportunities that live at the intersection of highest social gain, financial benefit and long-term sustainability.

our scope

full stack approach to development technologies


proven businesses ready to deploy

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online recruitment for the formal sector

  • Cross-Platform

    Compatible with all browsers, includes supporting Android and iOS applications and integration with Facebook

  • Business Model

    Complete operation manuals, service level agreenments and a proven business model for emerging markets

  • Tech Support

    Centralized system with full tech support, guaranteed uptime and quick to deploy and scale as needed

more prducts


mobile recruitment for the informal sector

  • Cross-Platform

    Compatible with all browsers, includes supporting Android and iOS applications and USSD for feature phones

  • Business Model

    Complete operation manuals, service level agreenments and a proven business model for emerging markets

  • Tech Support

    Centralized system with full tech support, guaranteed uptime and quick to deploy and scale as needed


local expertise for development projects

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world bank

waste management platform

  • Challenge

    Develop a solution to help the city council manage waste collection through citizen reporting and feedback collection

  • Solution

    A web based intelligent city platform with an Open311 API that uses a USSD menu and applications to report on issues

  • Implementation

    Pilot tested with 40 field monitors it generated enough reports to identify critical points in peri-urban waste collection

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field survey platform

  • Challenge

    Develop a solution to collect data on the field of 300.000 families for social security programs

  • Solution

    A web server to store collected data and a mobile platform running a survey and syncing wirelessly when network is available

  • Implementation

    Currently in the field with 300 monitors that already surveyed 30.000 families in Maputo in 2 weeks


supporting the brightest entrepreneurs

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kickstarting the local tech scene

  • Seedstars World

    We are Mozambique Ambassadors for the hottest pitch competition in emerging markets

  • Startup Weekend

    We are part of the organizing team of this event to launch startups in 54 hours

more mentorships


promoting competitions for entrepreneurs

  • Apps4Maputo

    We organized the first hackaton for waste management in Mozambique

  • EcoTech

    We are part of the team promoting the first hackaton for the environment

our team

the people behind the work


who we engage with

  • A4AI

    We are local partners of the Alliance for Affordable Internet, working to provide cheaper access in Mozambique

  • The Network

    We are members of the largest alliance of online job boards, bringing more opportunities for our country

  • AKF Mozambique

    We have partnered with the Aga Khan Foundation to implement Savings Groups platforms in Mozambique


what we have achieved

  • Competitions

    We won the first contest for best new idea in ICT in Mozambique, sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology

  • Grants

    We won a United States African Development Fund grant as part of the Young African Leaders Initiative

  • Pitches

    We won both the Social Enterprise Alliance and SF Elevator Pitch competitions in San Francisco, USA


who we are

  • Tiago Borges Coelho


  • Giannis Panagiotou


  • Éder Paulo

    General Manager

  • Naimo Jalá

    Board Member

  • Gloria Bazo

    Content Manager

  • Edwina Matola

    Content Manager

  • Sérgio Mossela

    Sales Manager

  • Neila Siquela

    Sales Manager

  • Laura Macarringue


  • Roger Conjo



UX Information Technologies Lda
rua nachingwea, nº 494, bairro de bairro central, distrito de distrito kampfumo